Monday, 7 March 2016
Chapter 31: Do we have Courage?
Winners are always associated with audacity. The audacity to try, the audacity to win, the audacity to overcome. Just next to this audacity, there is a very thin line called Courage. This is my personal perspective. Every human has courage in him. At times, its not invoked in the right circumstances or is he given the opportunity to showcase that he fails to discover it all his life.
This society names such a loss as a failure obviously. It also inaugurates the person by labeling him a coward. The waging tongues of our society, needless to say. The jeer by the peers lowers his self confidence.
Lets ponder on this subject. Are people who fail to invoke/discover their courageous quality are really failures? Are they really cowards? I thought so initially. But then during my late twenties, i only discovered otherwise.
The first mistake that we do is to take silence for weakness. We have to stop doing this immediately. The second mistake that we do is to use our strongest reasons that's against the other party as the key to pin-point their mistakes, weakness. We have to stop doing this as well. The third mistake that we do is not listening to them with our heart.
Silence. It can be considered as a golden form of high human intellect. Whenever I go to certain functions, I always take the trouble to observe people. I simply wash my eyes with the colors, noise and scenes. While I see happily- chatting people and havoc creators at one end, curiosity gets close to some unique people.
I call them unique because, this particular group of people, do not interact at a busy level as the others. They are a stand-alone batch, who only talk when it is necessary. They do not participate in glamour, neither do they miss out their corner. They do what is right and avoid all unnecessary worry, talk and action. If you take time to study their profiles, these people are usually either professionals or avid spirituality followers. We think by talking socially, laughing out and creating havoc, we are courageous. Yes, we are in a way. Courageous, to talk in-front of people only. But these unique people are a step higher than us. They are courageous to be in their own way of life, not letting their individuality to be shattered by a general group. I take this to be true courage.
The second mistake. I love to do this to all my friends. I am very guilty. I use one reason as the only reason and I do not see all the other things done by my friends in a course of dis-agreement. I use this one reason to pin-point, to hurt them and in the end, I lose them. By personal experience, not every human is able to absorb hurt. If a person stays with you after this stage, then you should never lose this person. It is pure concern and love. On the other of the mirror, it is true courage. A fine display of courage that the person has. He stays on, not leaving you.
This last mistake, has some involvement with the second. However, it may not be true in all cases. Courage, is not about not listening to people. It is actually a fear. The fear in our deep minds that silently informs that the other party might have a valid point to win you down. Listening to someone takes a lot of courage. Managing the predicament of two minds takes even more courage.
Now let's think again. Silence. Reasons. Listening.
Who is courageous? Who is the winner?
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Chapter 30: Because Life is Beautiful
Life is certainly beautiful at many instances. What makes us miss those moments? You may term this part as human error. I would not be wrong to say humans are technically made to make errors. It is pure human failure that we fail to look how beautiful life is.
We keep seeing the obvious and we miss the significance of the miniatures. We bask in the power of attraction; chucking away the thought of beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. We are quick to judge, we are fit to anger and sharp to the tongue. We do not realise how we are hurting people and how hurtful we make life for them to be. Some of them, because of these actions that we do to them overlook life is beautiful. We are the main culprits here as well.
Insightfulness may bring us a long way. It will thread us to right path. It will make us think. Even I am thinking as I pen this down.
The beauty of life lies in listening to your friend thoughts, the silence of the night and the meaning of your girl's silence. To bring it further, it lies in the smile of that poor child whom you paid his education for, of the alone elderly whom you visited to talk over a cup of tea, telling an interesting story to a blind person and creating surprising moments for someone who is not related to you.
Life is too beautiful to miss all the moments. Its pointless to be selfish and keep achieving in terms of personal growth only as we don't return back to our lives once we kick the bucket. Till we live.
Life is splendidly beautiful. As we grow and as we age, let's see all these small instances in another perspective.
I hope my words delight you. It is my personal experience as well.
Sunday, 24 May 2015
Chapter 28: The knife pierced him sharply when uni ended.
Personally, I am a gossiper. However, I use them for my own assessment and thinking, not
to destroy another's livelihood. Working shifts has took a drain on me, I regret to know how much I have not blogged in my life. The irony is that, my 1st prime half is ending soon.
My friend started to realise what kind of person black coat was. He went on and forgave for all of black coat actions. Black coat apparently seeks help when needed, and disappeared after when my friend was made use of.
I am on my silent night trek, thinking of an issue that's disturbing my mind too much tonight. He stabbed my back. Apparently I ended a hour long phone call with my fantastic buddy. He confided and he quoted, he talked and he explained. I summarised it.
My friend has a friend, not really a friend. We should not label these type of people as friends. We have another name for them 'backstabbers'. We meet them in all of our life stages.
Do you know when is the most hurtful a backstabber can be to a man?
That is when we are living through our twenties.
The start of a job search, the end of college, engagements to weddings.
My friend, lucky him, met this backstabber early.
The start of a job search, the end of college, engagements to weddings.
My friend, lucky him, met this backstabber early.
I am going to call backstabber as black coat. Black coat and my friend studied in the same college. All through the college years, black coat appears to be a friend. He moves in to the same dorm. He followed closely and assessed my friend. Black coat was not of good looks. He was a rather stumpy log. My friend was the kind of tall thin dude. You can now mark a cross on the looks and personality check. Second, my friend aces usually and is intelligent. Black coat is not stupid, he won't be a backstabber if he was. Black coat knows this and always seeks help from friend. When during submissions, black coat texts my friend, have you done yours? When during exams, black coat asks, have u studied? With friend outings, black coat explains to his other friend, he is not that good in this. He did not even study, I was in the same dorm. Lets make a check here, intelligence cross out. Personality, cross out.
Few semesters went by, my friend wanted to use the dorm for the semester break. He has to officiate at the warden room by paying for an extension. Black coat learns of this issue and did not leave dorm with out paying a cent. Friend makes it a light issue. Months later, black coat moves out of the room and joins another friend dorm. Lets make a check here, gratitude, cross out. Loyalty, cross out.
On one instance, black coat went out to buy movie tickets for a whole lot of friends. In this, my friend wasn't asked. Black coat says on that particular evening, we are going for movie. The next day, a text arrives on my friend phone, please pay for the movie ticket. Friend? This kind of person? Do you not feel like asking yourself, this question?
My friend started to realise what kind of person black coat was. He went on and forgave for all of black coat actions. Black coat apparently seeks help when needed, and disappeared after when my friend was made use of.
There were many more issues that came along the way. To sum it all, this final event polished the final outlook of the black coat. That lustre, shiny, ironed black velvet coat.
University life is ending. The batch mates decided to go for a beach outing. That one last beach outing. They do not know who will go where. My friend agreed for this outing.
Black coat wanted to join 'IBM' after graduation. In conjunction, my friend also wanted to apply for this. The job was of much importance. My friend had asked black coat, naively, to submit his thesis and whatever you call those bunch of documents with black coat's together for the interview selection. Black coat agreed.
The beach outing came. My friend while enjoying asked another friend of his. Where is this black coat? The dude replied, he went for the IBM interview. My friend was puzzled and shocked, why didn't he know ?
The beach outing ended. My friend texted black coat on why he was not selected for the interview. Technically black coat is a much low scorer than my friend. My friend was a little suspicious. He asked black coat, did you submit the thesis to IBM. Black coat replied, I forgot.
Cross the trust out. Check the betrayal.
My friend felt the hurt. That disappointment. That crunch of your life that makes me cripple for a moment. The knife pierced him sharply when Uni ended. Black coat can never take his co student being in a better position. I will like to remind you, my reader, this;
My friend felt the hurt. That disappointment. That crunch of your life that makes me cripple for a moment. The knife pierced him sharply when Uni ended. Black coat can never take his co student being in a better position. I will like to remind you, my reader, this;
Do you know when is the most hurtful a backstabber can be to a man?
That is when we are living through our twenties. The start of a job search, the end of college, engagements to weddings.
The end of your university life should have bonded friendships strong. This phrase will have helped you to understand humans.
I will really like you to pay close attention to this kind of black coats around us. A facade is hurting. Wash your eyes with clear water. My friend was forgiving, however he was forgetful. He forgot that a black coat will never want to wear colourful coats. For a black coat is a always a black coat. It can never be matched to colourful trendy coats.
PS: Real Account (Damansara,Malaysia, 2015)
Tuesday, 5 May 2015
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Chapter 26: Special Words.
Life is filled with unexpected adventures. Some adventures distract you, some push you down the valleys in yourself, some heighten to you to great heights. Going through all these adventures, just slightly above a quarter of my life, I can never be thankful enough. If not for these adventures, and people, I won't have changed to a better person.
It's worth keeping cards, envelopes and gifts that always carries special words from special people. Those words can actually be a guide to your life, or even at the most unexpected time. When you are just idling, and you happen to pass by such wording, you might take a different perspective at life.
Life at 26 is definitely interesting. Life is fabulous. So the next time, never crush away anything that you deem fit not important for the moment.
It's worth keeping cards, envelopes and gifts that always carries special words from special people. Those words can actually be a guide to your life, or even at the most unexpected time. When you are just idling, and you happen to pass by such wording, you might take a different perspective at life.
Life at 26 is definitely interesting. Life is fabulous. So the next time, never crush away anything that you deem fit not important for the moment.
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
Chapter 25: In the Cradle of Joy
The year will be over soon if not for two more months and I have got the motivation to blog again. Much much of life's dramas are over, life seems to have paved a very clear path for me. Most importantly my smile is back, my happiness is intact. Like a lost bird found its new habitat, I am rounding my happiness circle only.
I have learnt how to let go and how to give without taking. In this selfish world, for you to be truly happy, is the moment when you learn the lesson of giving without taking. I agree that you have to be selfish at times, but at the end of the day, you are not gonna bringing anything to the 6 feet land. In my case, it's cremation, even worse. I don't even stay here physically
A major drama with the bff. A little misunderstand with the bb. Ex-es are not someone whom can be the same. I suspect they might
even have vengeance in their heart (HAHA!) In this whole year three dates alone became special, 15 sep, 06 Sep, 26 Sep. Now I know
why the Lord kept quiet. I think I know :) 2012 - 2013 another major transit year into become a matured man now. At least now I know who my priority is and where my time should go. Loving this life again.
Till I blog tomorrow, Hare Krishna
I have learnt how to let go and how to give without taking. In this selfish world, for you to be truly happy, is the moment when you learn the lesson of giving without taking. I agree that you have to be selfish at times, but at the end of the day, you are not gonna bringing anything to the 6 feet land. In my case, it's cremation, even worse. I don't even stay here physically
A major drama with the bff. A little misunderstand with the bb. Ex-es are not someone whom can be the same. I suspect they might
even have vengeance in their heart (HAHA!) In this whole year three dates alone became special, 15 sep, 06 Sep, 26 Sep. Now I know
why the Lord kept quiet. I think I know :) 2012 - 2013 another major transit year into become a matured man now. At least now I know who my priority is and where my time should go. Loving this life again.
Till I blog tomorrow, Hare Krishna
Akka has got legally married :)
My Sweetheart has turned 18. I have turned even older ;/
Friday, 18 January 2013
Chapter 24: Broken Soul
After so long, I have gotten the inspiration to write again. These words are the only solace I get apart from Krishna and my job. Not knowing what will happen next, I am being scared to trust humans again. I do not know who will let me down the next, who will hurt me again, who will mistake me. I have put myself on reliance with people other than me. This world is darkening for me.
From somewhere, an old bond has regained its underlying strength with me. I cry at the twists of fate whips onto my life for the past 3 years. Ever since Feb 2010 till today, the wounds that I have gotten from the whips is still not vanishing. The scars are ugly. I hate to see myself in the mirror.
The God stands alone with his flute and gives me his glorious smile. I cry and ask why this game. He replies me like he is doing this on purpose. A part of me wants to get out of this earth, with no hope on life and humans; I am letting myself unto fate whips again.
Sinful creatures are humans. We do countless number of sins everyday, every single moment. We suffer because of our karma. Never in my re-births should I suffer this much. Forgive me my lord, my sins will end at your feet.
- A broken soul
From somewhere, an old bond has regained its underlying strength with me. I cry at the twists of fate whips onto my life for the past 3 years. Ever since Feb 2010 till today, the wounds that I have gotten from the whips is still not vanishing. The scars are ugly. I hate to see myself in the mirror.
The God stands alone with his flute and gives me his glorious smile. I cry and ask why this game. He replies me like he is doing this on purpose. A part of me wants to get out of this earth, with no hope on life and humans; I am letting myself unto fate whips again.
Sinful creatures are humans. We do countless number of sins everyday, every single moment. We suffer because of our karma. Never in my re-births should I suffer this much. Forgive me my lord, my sins will end at your feet.
- A broken soul
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Chapter 24: Deepavali in Mood
Deepavali Mode is high in the air. I am smiling only. I can't wait to munch the cookies and muruku! Though we don't have much house visits, it's the year's most awaited moment and festival to spend with my family.
This year, everything is fast. Shopping is complete. Spring Cleaning is complete. Decorations has been bought. Cookies and muruku done. What's left is, to decorate the house and the prayer room. Oh ya, can never forget to go and indulge in the last minute shopping.
Light up is totally not nice this year. I wonder who chose the design and lighting. It is a waste. I understand budgets can be constraining but it takes a creative mind to decide. Pastel crayons are cheap but look at the rich effect they give.
It is the era of modernity. Everything else can change except traditions and customs. Indians are basically rich in their knowledge, their traditions, culture and customs. This is something which the entire world cannot dispute. The more we stick to them, the more we save it from being destroyed and also gain respect from the others. Not only that, we do ourselves and our families good.
As for me, I still believe in being vegetarian, oil baths, traditional oil lamps, blessings, worship
My Mauritius friend sent me a self made deepavali card. Truly touched by it, smiling. The personal touch is always great. The feel is always good. A close friend always expects something personal than general.
Subha Deepavali Vaalthukkal ;D
Monday, 17 September 2012
Chapter 22: Stabbed Heart
Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime And never let go till we are gone.
Love was when I saw you first
Love was when I loved you.
Love was when I got worried for you
Love it is when I let you go ..
Signs off...
I spoke against my will, against my heart, against my conscience.
I wish to lie in your lap and forget this world.
I miss you that terribly.
I curse this fate
I stabbed my own heart
Love was when I saw you first
Love was when I loved you.
Love was when I got worried for you
Love it is when I let you go ..
Signs off...
I spoke against my will, against my heart, against my conscience.
I wish to lie in your lap and forget this world.
I miss you that terribly.
I curse this fate
I stabbed my own heart
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Chapter 22 : Meri Jaan
Meri Jaan
This song will hurt me, embrace me and love me. I will fall unto my knees and think why I did such a cursed mistake which will never bring me back to those days.
This song will hurt me, embrace me and love me. I will fall unto my knees and think why I did such a cursed mistake which will never bring me back to those days.
I heart, I love, I joyed, I Died..
Friday, 22 June 2012
Chapter 21: Ex, First Love & Right one
Here I come again, with my cup of tea, to blog the moment of thoughts. Reality check, Kannan is 25 years old now. How fast a part of my life is going to be over.
In sync with that thought on the mind's slate board, a number of ladies have chalked their presence in this near to decade's quarter. I am talking of the ones whom my heart mattered to. Each of these ladies were beautiful in their own, special for a reason, significant perhaps forever.
No forgets exes, no one ever ever forgets their first. Each remembrance delights the mind, sorrows a bit though. But there will be a time when all these will just change into old memories, and something called, the right one will come. When that happens, its wise to tie a gold ribbon over those memories, and a yellow thread on the right one.
I simply do not wish to break another's heart yet I am doing it again and again. I try to become eligible, in the end I become avoidable. Its inevitable, I agree but isn't it not possible ? I just want the right one to appear.
Will you?
My question remains unanswered. Though I agree, guys can get fickle minded at times, play mind chasing games with girls, and you know the worst is interest at start, boring at end. I still think each guy wants that sound 100% totally proof for the inner conscience to say, "This is the Right One!"
In sync with that thought on the mind's slate board, a number of ladies have chalked their presence in this near to decade's quarter. I am talking of the ones whom my heart mattered to. Each of these ladies were beautiful in their own, special for a reason, significant perhaps forever.

No forgets exes, no one ever ever forgets their first. Each remembrance delights the mind, sorrows a bit though. But there will be a time when all these will just change into old memories, and something called, the right one will come. When that happens, its wise to tie a gold ribbon over those memories, and a yellow thread on the right one.
I simply do not wish to break another's heart yet I am doing it again and again. I try to become eligible, in the end I become avoidable. Its inevitable, I agree but isn't it not possible ? I just want the right one to appear.
Will you?
My question remains unanswered. Though I agree, guys can get fickle minded at times, play mind chasing games with girls, and you know the worst is interest at start, boring at end. I still think each guy wants that sound 100% totally proof for the inner conscience to say, "This is the Right One!"
Sunday, 3 June 2012
Chapter 20 : Photoshoot with Ish
I am in great favor of this photo shoot by Hush Lush. It goes like this, Isswariya answered some random questions on Hush Lush, in which she won herself a photo shoot. She also had the opportunity to invite two others, which was me and her cousin.
We met the famous Kaamini, her sweet looking granny, an amiable couple no other than the photographer & her boyfriend. I have to say the both ladies looked stunning, each belonging to a different world. One lady was looking as if she governs the sea kingdom and another from the fire kingdom. Probably its a shoot that I have enjoyed. Let's forget about getting tired by posing, and the hot chittirai weather, a whole of nine hours plus.
I wished I was a photographer too. Naz, the photographer was prolly enjoying herself with the camera though Ish was whining here and there. Come to think of it, it would have been more boring if Ish did not whine at all.
Some tips from me, by learning what goes in a photoshoot.
1) Closeness matter a lot in photo shoots.
2) Never wear ankle length socks for pants
3) If u are a guy, you are fine without make up.
4) If u are a lady, you not any fine without make up.
5) Do not stare in a lady's eyes at a close proximity! Its dangerous!
Some photos
We met the famous Kaamini, her sweet looking granny, an amiable couple no other than the photographer & her boyfriend. I have to say the both ladies looked stunning, each belonging to a different world. One lady was looking as if she governs the sea kingdom and another from the fire kingdom. Probably its a shoot that I have enjoyed. Let's forget about getting tired by posing, and the hot chittirai weather, a whole of nine hours plus.
I wished I was a photographer too. Naz, the photographer was prolly enjoying herself with the camera though Ish was whining here and there. Come to think of it, it would have been more boring if Ish did not whine at all.
Some tips from me, by learning what goes in a photoshoot.
1) Closeness matter a lot in photo shoots.
2) Never wear ankle length socks for pants
3) If u are a guy, you are fine without make up.
4) If u are a lady, you not any fine without make up.
5) Do not stare in a lady's eyes at a close proximity! Its dangerous!
Some photos
The Photo Shoot Photos

Monday, 9 April 2012
Sollukum Artham Pola Sollamal Nindraine
I am blogging from Medan! I stepped into Indo after so many years, this is another part of Indo. Though It failed to captivate me as much as cities like Penang, Kaoshiung, I am still enjoying the stay thoroughly because of three reasons. One, delicious food. Two, Breakaway from a grid locked society. Third, I am here meeting my buddy in life for the first time.
I managed to get a break so, I am thinking and reflecting on my life. Its something productive to be done always in the timeline of life. Instantaneously, I am being placed in the center where I am having questions pointing at me.
1/4 of life is going to be over. Major decisions have to be made literally. Or at least the plan has to be up.I will let it be tt way.
I wish to reveal my love at least before this quarter of the century is over. Sollukum artham pole sollaamal nindrane. Aasaiyil en manam thudikindrathe.
The magic of love might happen at first sight. But It really depends how strong it is when it grows over the years. I have decided.

I managed to get a break so, I am thinking and reflecting on my life. Its something productive to be done always in the timeline of life. Instantaneously, I am being placed in the center where I am having questions pointing at me.
1/4 of life is going to be over. Major decisions have to be made literally. Or at least the plan has to be up.I will let it be tt way.
I wish to reveal my love at least before this quarter of the century is over. Sollukum artham pole sollaamal nindrane. Aasaiyil en manam thudikindrathe.
The magic of love might happen at first sight. But It really depends how strong it is when it grows over the years. I have decided.
Friday, 27 January 2012
Happy Birthday to You!

For each year to be as beautiful as you, every day of life to be filled with love
.Essence that can never fade in you, the only name inked with golden ink, feathered on a chapter in my life..
I wish to say Happy Birthday to you each and every year.
Sorry for not being with u for your birthday, I really feel bad :(
Sirithaadum Muthaathagum ummadhu punnagai, niraenthaadum rathina pathakamaagum adhuve nilathirukum unn ithalin mel ~ pirantha naal nalvaalthukkal!
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Chapter 17: The Brightest Year

It is one of the brightest years ever in life till so far. If I measure life from 1st Jan to 31st Dec, the result will be my previous statement. The embrace of gloominess of new year’s day (01st Jan 2011) – the spark of happiness as an ornament on my face at the moment of just fifteen minutes away to New Year (31st Dec) at KLCC. Why does God put so many colors into our life? Why does bright yellow appeal than dullish grey? I feel like asking Him so much.
If God could tell me, I would give him a tight embrace. This world is best with no attachments. As stated in an old song, it reminds me on a note. ‘ Tell me who else has no worries except for a saint and a baby’. Tell me about the volume of truth that particular line speaks about. Yet people will say old songs are crap.
I have lived one less a silver year in my life. 2011 will be the brightest year.
I heard the both most painful words n sweetest words in my life.
Tears dried and happiness blossomed.
Friendships went away, New Relationships formed.
At times, I feel like saying, I do not want all these attachments. I am better off at His feet without these. These relationships are of momentary happiness but permanent misery.
Till He takes me, all I can do is to fulfill my earthly duties and pray for my salvation…
My heart is at misery within.
Tears behind my smile.
Broken memories behind my life.
Monday, 26 December 2011
Chapter 16: Iruthayam alli konda vannam

En Iruthayam alli konda vannam, unnai naan aatharitha ganam.
Siripum Koodiyuthu, Sithaintha manamum mukti petradhu
In Literal meaning, My heart embraced you, the moment I took you in shelter.
Smiles increased, even my broken heart attained salvation.
I never knew how happy I would get in this particular year. I heard both painful words, sweetest words of my life in this year. To avoid being labeled as an ingrate, I thank my Shyaamala Sundara for having the sweetness followed by bitterness.
January 5 is just 10 days away. That’s the day I heard the words of unbearable pain in my life, ‘I can’t pretend’. In this span of one year, one thing is coming to light to my senses, attachment is not a good thing. I should have known better. If it’s human to err, it’s divine to forgive. I will leave it this way.
My smiles are increasing, as my life is turning into the most sweetest poem ever been crafted. I am changing into a practical guy who is losing hopes in attachments.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Chapter 15: Vannam Konda Vennilave
Vannam Konda Vennilave Vaanam Vithu Vaarayo.
Vinilae Paathai illae, Unnai thoda yen nee illae ?
I laid my back on the comfortable blue office chair on rollers yesterday morning, just a few moments after I started work. The 7am hour. With a cup of Nescafe, in the pantry, I closed my eyes as I listened to the song above on my iphone.
Somewhere in my heart, a pain seems to be arising. It was like the feel of an old wound that came to pain again. A tear rolled down at that instant. It was like yesterday when I remember myself being helpless to the expense of my feelings. However in actual fact, 19 months from the start of everything has went down the Gregorian calendar.
Wonderment is how I fell and how I managed to overcome a little. Affairs of the heart are just complicated.
To the pain that tore me apart, to the silent cries that the wall heard, to my pleas that I placed to my Lord, I won’t forget even a bit of it.
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Chapter 14: Short Get Away Trips
Malaysia is my best get-away. This country is too big to be explored at times. But I am thankful that I can get to go on short get away trips. I will keep Bintan for next year. My digital camera is spoiled ever since 2 years ago and I haven't got a proper camera. I should get one before the incoming year.
Pandan City Mall was closed for Raya celebrations and that entire place looked like a dead town. Quite disappointed, Rahul was telling me to go KSL city instead. Thankfully I was a little alert on the bus. I was telling him that we actually missed KSL city's place. He was unsure. Then he saw Pandan City Mall and asked to get down first. After we ventured the closed city mall, we then asked a shop owner for the directions to KSL, indeed we missed the place. At the very least, we did not end up in Tiram.
KSL City was very awesome. We got some clothes for deepavali. Shopping too early I guess. It was a total chinese orientated place and the mall was booming with mid autumn festive mode. Owing to the lack of time, we cut short the venture tour.

I was freaking hungry. Settled down at tea room and I learnt from Shan that this particular restaurant is very good. The restaurant actually takes effort in making the environment conducive for makan, has a specific team. I was really impressed with the food's quality, price and presentation. The only thing I was pretty yucky about was that they employed foreigners who don't understand how to react to customers. zzz.

Thats it for my KSL City Tour. Maybe the next time I will load more photos.
What was on the menu? Hainanese Chicken Rice & Baked Rice with Vegetables @ Tea Roo
Pandan City Mall was closed for Raya celebrations and that entire place looked like a dead town. Quite disappointed, Rahul was telling me to go KSL city instead. Thankfully I was a little alert on the bus. I was telling him that we actually missed KSL city's place. He was unsure. Then he saw Pandan City Mall and asked to get down first. After we ventured the closed city mall, we then asked a shop owner for the directions to KSL, indeed we missed the place. At the very least, we did not end up in Tiram.
KSL City was very awesome. We got some clothes for deepavali. Shopping too early I guess. It was a total chinese orientated place and the mall was booming with mid autumn festive mode. Owing to the lack of time, we cut short the venture tour.

I was freaking hungry. Settled down at tea room and I learnt from Shan that this particular restaurant is very good. The restaurant actually takes effort in making the environment conducive for makan, has a specific team. I was really impressed with the food's quality, price and presentation. The only thing I was pretty yucky about was that they employed foreigners who don't understand how to react to customers. zzz.

Thats it for my KSL City Tour. Maybe the next time I will load more photos.
What was on the menu? Hainanese Chicken Rice & Baked Rice with Vegetables @ Tea Roo
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Chapter 13: The last Official Meal at BK @ GV

Apparently this was the last meal at BK @ GV before BK totally made its way out. Presently Wendys is currently operating in the premises.On that day, I was on my way to camp before I called Rajee to come and shop with me for a while before we settled down in to the fast food restaurant. Simple memory but one sharp one I ever remembered when it comes to our brother & sister bonding times.

I miss my old jeans and old bag now!

Not too sure of the date of this particular event but it ought to have been in 2009.
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Chapter 12: Why such love?
Love on the other side that flows incessantly. One dies for it. One lives because of it. In this prime age of all, one gets a mature taste of it. Seeing all these, my heart does not hate love, but keeps on wanting to ask someone who has the answer, why such love?
Complex I am, confused are my thoughts at the current state. I walked through the lonely pavements by my housing flat, made a whole around of Yishun Street 41, looking through the lonely fields which forests has been cleared for new housing to be made. I told myself, I am going to miss u. Forty years down the road, and the view I am seeing would be shut in books of history. No one would ever have a grasp on how this place once looked. I am going to miss you.
That wasn’t the gist of the blog folks. It was a condiment on the side.

People tend to hurt you because they don’t like you. That’s a clear-cut thing. But another group of us hurt others both knowingly and unknowingly when we love them way too much. Even a little sign of ignorance from the other party is something that can make our whole day bad. I have seen it myself. I really want to know why such love?
Why is it that you are always responsible for every single action and talk you do or make to the other party? Why can’t u be independent of your partner? And a daily log of communication has to be done to ensure the other party is secured for that day. I have seen it. I really want to know why such love?
Understanding one another takes years and trust to build. But why do we break up that path even before we get to this platform. Is it fear that this person will not be the right one or the lack of confidence in you for the relationship? I have done this. I really want to know why such love?
Won’t there be a person who accepts for you are? Won’t there be someone who wants the same you. Someone who can takes life as it is, and smiles at every situation. A person of mental strength and understand capability. I am asking for an angel, I must be. That is why I couldn’t find a perfect one till now.
Monday, 25 July 2011
Chapter 11: Dare to Dream?
Shanjivi, I wished he were my own, keeps on giving me that bad nudge occasionally. His claim is that I dream always, never into being practical. Before he completes the dialogue, he will quote, ‘I never said that was a bad thing’. Defensively.
My take is that I dare to dream. And I have the audacity to think that many of the people around or whom I have met do not have the courage to dream. They lack that extra bit of life. Living today is one. Living today with dreams tomorrow is another. It brings you forward effortlessly.
Dreaming is risky. When one has the courage to dream, tendency there is for his thoughts to run wild. If you could tell me any successful run without speed control, I would offer you my facebook password. HA! This is why many people are afraid to dream according to me. They prefer living just today, enjoying today’s moments. I have deep admiration for those who dream, live their dreams. They are the elite of humans.
Singapore today was a dream many years ago. My Home today was a dream since 1998.
My career today was an ambition since 2007. My family was a dream of my mum ever since she got married. You don’t have to look afar. Just walk by the lottery shop (4D) and see how many people are in dreams. And how it forwards them effortlessly to queue up as long as Indian railway trains week-by-week. The dream is to strike rich. True enough?
The silvery light of the moon, I torch upon my quest.
Paving a way of my life, building up my faith, finding for the key to unlock my chest of dreams.
I lay seven steps in a go and contemplate over each single step.
Rush winds are temporary. Observe them closely.
The way will show, the name will glow.
Do you dare to dream?
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Chapter 10: Wedding Galatta
To all my friends entering wedlock, wish you all the best :D
I am so happy to have witnessed the marriages and hoping to witness more! Happy Married Life Guys!
I love this candid shot - Thank you camera man.
Mum looks so young, goodness!
Sri Maariamman Koyil
Azhagarasy Kalyaanam
Sri Venkatesa Perumal Koyil Mandabam
Sri Venkatesa Perumal Koyil Mandabam
Hoping to fill these collections and eat yummy wedding food.
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Chapter 9: Friendship
One can exist without a spouse but not without a friend.
Once a friend, even when he turns to fiend, that friend in him would never disappear.
The friendship Sri Krishna & Arjunan shared.
Bloodless, heart beats increase when it concerns your friend.
I love my friends.
No matter what is our character, no matter how big our ego is,
we will put them behind us and move on for our friendship.
Love that exist for each other. Fights that make us laugh.
Distant we can be, yet remembering each other.
Never like any other. Growing up together.
Friendship that lives beyond time.
To all those I have tagged in this photo, in my facebook.
I dedicate this post to you all as well.
Saturday, 11 June 2011
Chapter 8: Family Perfect
Keep the delights to yourself. When it comes to family, one is bound to enjoy numerous delights just from this element alone. Sadly a number of us do not have this fortune of having a complete or an understanding. The age of darkness, Kali Yuga. My heart really goes for all these people.
I love every inch and ounce of this household I am born in. My motive is not about flaunting on what I have but in more to educate someone one who is out there, the importance and the beauty of having a family. Mum means Love, Dad means Guidance. As we start, as we grow, many many relations bind us. This is one complete attachment that can even blind us anything if pursued way too much.
Respecting your parents, treating them as an exemplary of God. A definite duty in the hindu son's righteous way of life. Mum used to say since young, breaking a family up is as sinful as breaking a temple. Just like how the temple is. From the multiple manifestations of God in the temple, they represent all your family members. From the housekeeping to the accounts keeping in the divine place, they represent the duties of the family members. ?Just like how the main sanctum houses the main deity, the household/family houses your mum and dad as one soul. In this way the family shines like a temple. Just like how a temple's importance is, the family name upholds honor of everyone else who shares the bloodline.
Ruthless I was ever since young. But whenever I give much of a thought to the teachings my mum has imparted on me, come on, doesn't it make sense ?
Smile. Embrace your Family.
I love every inch and ounce of this household I am born in. My motive is not about flaunting on what I have but in more to educate someone one who is out there, the importance and the beauty of having a family. Mum means Love, Dad means Guidance. As we start, as we grow, many many relations bind us. This is one complete attachment that can even blind us anything if pursued way too much.
Respecting your parents, treating them as an exemplary of God. A definite duty in the hindu son's righteous way of life. Mum used to say since young, breaking a family up is as sinful as breaking a temple. Just like how the temple is. From the multiple manifestations of God in the temple, they represent all your family members. From the housekeeping to the accounts keeping in the divine place, they represent the duties of the family members. ?Just like how the main sanctum houses the main deity, the household/family houses your mum and dad as one soul. In this way the family shines like a temple. Just like how a temple's importance is, the family name upholds honor of everyone else who shares the bloodline.
Ruthless I was ever since young. But whenever I give much of a thought to the teachings my mum has imparted on me, come on, doesn't it make sense ?
Smile. Embrace your Family.
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Chapter 7: Song of a Lord
I have never came across this 'kannan' song ever so far. And this hidden classic was so soothing to the ears, giving out so much of assurance until my heart got captivated for the song, and for whom it is sung for. I felt active and did a small video clip ;)
Hopefully its presentable. :) Enjoy it whenever you need to.
Kindly drop me your comments. Valuable they are !
My Youtube videos are always available at Keshan69 on youtube. Much thanks!
Kindly drop me your comments. Valuable they are !
My Youtube videos are always available at Keshan69 on youtube. Much thanks!
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Chapter 6 : Celebrating Theba's Graduation & restaurants
There are many reasons to call your bestie to go out just for a meal. It can be for catching up. It can be for company. But having a good meal after her graduation is a must in the list. Theba graduated from Singapore Poly like two days ago. It was a good occasion.

I remember my own pathetic graduation night where I had to return camp. I applied for day off with my 2LT from Delta then. Let things not be like this. And the worst was, I did not even invite my parents for my graduation. Baddy right? I will definitely do the proper protocol when it comes to Bachelor's Graduation. :)
Coming back to the topic. One lesson to learn. Whenever you are choosing a restaurant, don't always go for the name. There might be a whole many outlets with the same brand. But how sure are you, that the same quality of food is assured every where. Prices are so exorbitant nowadays.

Lucky us, We got this 'Lenus' restaurant next to Manhattan Fish Market at Bugis. The ambience was cosy. We immediately got our seating changed when we requested even though it was nearing peak hour, all thanks to this waitress, 'Moon'. Not only that, talking about the quality of the food. I would have to say, it was above standards. We capped it at 53 dollars including service/GST. But trust me for such nice experience, wholly two hours and nice food, plus good service, above standards it is.

Theba is exiting her poly life and she is entering a new arena. Life is getting very busy, tie-ing down many of us. Our days end so fast. I just wish her all the best for this new phrase. God knows when will be the bachelor's graduation, this time with our hats!

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