It is one of the brightest years ever in life till so far. If I measure life from 1st Jan to 31st Dec, the result will be my previous statement. The embrace of gloominess of new year’s day (01st Jan 2011) – the spark of happiness as an ornament on my face at the moment of just fifteen minutes away to New Year (31st Dec) at KLCC. Why does God put so many colors into our life? Why does bright yellow appeal than dullish grey? I feel like asking Him so much.
If God could tell me, I would give him a tight embrace. This world is best with no attachments. As stated in an old song, it reminds me on a note. ‘ Tell me who else has no worries except for a saint and a baby’. Tell me about the volume of truth that particular line speaks about. Yet people will say old songs are crap.
I have lived one less a silver year in my life. 2011 will be the brightest year.
I heard the both most painful words n sweetest words in my life.
Tears dried and happiness blossomed.
Friendships went away, New Relationships formed.
At times, I feel like saying, I do not want all these attachments. I am better off at His feet without these. These relationships are of momentary happiness but permanent misery.
Till He takes me, all I can do is to fulfill my earthly duties and pray for my salvation…
My heart is at misery within.
Tears behind my smile.
Broken memories behind my life.