Pandan City Mall was closed for Raya celebrations and that entire place looked like a dead town. Quite disappointed, Rahul was telling me to go KSL city instead. Thankfully I was a little alert on the bus. I was telling him that we actually missed KSL city's place. He was unsure. Then he saw Pandan City Mall and asked to get down first. After we ventured the closed city mall, we then asked a shop owner for the directions to KSL, indeed we missed the place. At the very least, we did not end up in Tiram.
KSL City was very awesome. We got some clothes for deepavali. Shopping too early I guess. It was a total chinese orientated place and the mall was booming with mid autumn festive mode. Owing to the lack of time, we cut short the venture tour.
I was freaking hungry. Settled down at tea room and I learnt from Shan that this particular restaurant is very good. The restaurant actually takes effort in making the environment conducive for makan, has a specific team. I was really impressed with the food's quality, price and presentation. The only thing I was pretty yucky about was that they employed foreigners who don't understand how to react to customers. zzz.
Thats it for my KSL City Tour. Maybe the next time I will load more photos.
What was on the menu? Hainanese Chicken Rice & Baked Rice with Vegetables @ Tea Roo
YeAh kSl CiTy IS a NiCe pLaCe tO LoItEr ArOuNd n dO ShOpPiNg eVeN FoR mOvIeS.. CLeAn n wOnDeRfUl