to destroy another's livelihood. Working shifts has took a drain on me, I regret to know how much I have not blogged in my life. The irony is that, my 1st prime half is ending soon.
My friend started to realise what kind of person black coat was. He went on and forgave for all of black coat actions. Black coat apparently seeks help when needed, and disappeared after when my friend was made use of.
I am on my silent night trek, thinking of an issue that's disturbing my mind too much tonight. He stabbed my back. Apparently I ended a hour long phone call with my fantastic buddy. He confided and he quoted, he talked and he explained. I summarised it.
My friend has a friend, not really a friend. We should not label these type of people as friends. We have another name for them 'backstabbers'. We meet them in all of our life stages.
Do you know when is the most hurtful a backstabber can be to a man?
That is when we are living through our twenties.
The start of a job search, the end of college, engagements to weddings.
My friend, lucky him, met this backstabber early.
The start of a job search, the end of college, engagements to weddings.
My friend, lucky him, met this backstabber early.
I am going to call backstabber as black coat. Black coat and my friend studied in the same college. All through the college years, black coat appears to be a friend. He moves in to the same dorm. He followed closely and assessed my friend. Black coat was not of good looks. He was a rather stumpy log. My friend was the kind of tall thin dude. You can now mark a cross on the looks and personality check. Second, my friend aces usually and is intelligent. Black coat is not stupid, he won't be a backstabber if he was. Black coat knows this and always seeks help from friend. When during submissions, black coat texts my friend, have you done yours? When during exams, black coat asks, have u studied? With friend outings, black coat explains to his other friend, he is not that good in this. He did not even study, I was in the same dorm. Lets make a check here, intelligence cross out. Personality, cross out.
Few semesters went by, my friend wanted to use the dorm for the semester break. He has to officiate at the warden room by paying for an extension. Black coat learns of this issue and did not leave dorm with out paying a cent. Friend makes it a light issue. Months later, black coat moves out of the room and joins another friend dorm. Lets make a check here, gratitude, cross out. Loyalty, cross out.
On one instance, black coat went out to buy movie tickets for a whole lot of friends. In this, my friend wasn't asked. Black coat says on that particular evening, we are going for movie. The next day, a text arrives on my friend phone, please pay for the movie ticket. Friend? This kind of person? Do you not feel like asking yourself, this question?
My friend started to realise what kind of person black coat was. He went on and forgave for all of black coat actions. Black coat apparently seeks help when needed, and disappeared after when my friend was made use of.
There were many more issues that came along the way. To sum it all, this final event polished the final outlook of the black coat. That lustre, shiny, ironed black velvet coat.
University life is ending. The batch mates decided to go for a beach outing. That one last beach outing. They do not know who will go where. My friend agreed for this outing.
Black coat wanted to join 'IBM' after graduation. In conjunction, my friend also wanted to apply for this. The job was of much importance. My friend had asked black coat, naively, to submit his thesis and whatever you call those bunch of documents with black coat's together for the interview selection. Black coat agreed.
The beach outing came. My friend while enjoying asked another friend of his. Where is this black coat? The dude replied, he went for the IBM interview. My friend was puzzled and shocked, why didn't he know ?
The beach outing ended. My friend texted black coat on why he was not selected for the interview. Technically black coat is a much low scorer than my friend. My friend was a little suspicious. He asked black coat, did you submit the thesis to IBM. Black coat replied, I forgot.
Cross the trust out. Check the betrayal.
My friend felt the hurt. That disappointment. That crunch of your life that makes me cripple for a moment. The knife pierced him sharply when Uni ended. Black coat can never take his co student being in a better position. I will like to remind you, my reader, this;
My friend felt the hurt. That disappointment. That crunch of your life that makes me cripple for a moment. The knife pierced him sharply when Uni ended. Black coat can never take his co student being in a better position. I will like to remind you, my reader, this;
Do you know when is the most hurtful a backstabber can be to a man?
That is when we are living through our twenties. The start of a job search, the end of college, engagements to weddings.
The end of your university life should have bonded friendships strong. This phrase will have helped you to understand humans.
I will really like you to pay close attention to this kind of black coats around us. A facade is hurting. Wash your eyes with clear water. My friend was forgiving, however he was forgetful. He forgot that a black coat will never want to wear colourful coats. For a black coat is a always a black coat. It can never be matched to colourful trendy coats.
PS: Real Account (Damansara,Malaysia, 2015)